Thursday, January 6, 2011


I thoroughly enjoy thinking about some of my blog entries, before I write them (hence my Facebook post last night). I had some general ideas/concepts/people I wanted to blog about, but wasn't exactly sure how to tie them all together. To be perfectly honest, I'm still not 100% sure. But whatever, that's the fun part of blogging.... you just write and it takes you where it takes you (deep, I know).

Anyone that knows me, knows that I loved college. No, I mean I LOVED COLLEGE. I was that girl - you know, the really overly-involved (almost annoying to the point involved?!), BFF with college administrators, went to most of my classes, and dressed up on a daily basis. I was that girl. One of the reasons I feel in love with Hartwick, was because of the smaller size. I was involved in HS and I wasn't prepared to get lost in the crowd at college. Hartwick was home to me, the minute I stepped on it's campus (I am NOT exaggerating - just ask Carol). Needless to say, I succeeded in taking every advantage of college, while having the best time of my life.

There are two things I NEVER thought I would do in college - be a college athlete and join a sorority. Both, proved to be false. There are two things that are my favorite memories from college - my swim team and my sorority. Lesson here? I do believe so.  I owe everything to my swim team and what I learned there. I absolutely loved that piece of my life. But, this blog, will focus on the later... AOII.

The majority of girls that join a sorority always say "they never had planned on it." Exhibit A. And then the ones that say that, do it, and they love it. Again, exhibit A. To be clear, I was NEVER the "rah rah" kind of sorority woman "(I'm pretty sure, yup 100% positive I gave STRICT INSTRUCTIONS NOT TO DO TOAST AT MY WEDDING. Guess what was done? Toast). I was rather, what one might have called the "house mom." Take it for what's worth. Either way, I loved it.  I mean, don't get me wrong I hated the stupid fights and the stupid drama, the house meetings on Sunday that SERIOUSLY WENT FOR HOURS ABOUT NOTHING, finding your laundry on top of the dryer when someone else moved it for you, the filth in the kitchen, trying to find a spot in the back to park, and the crazy lack of sleep. But, I loved the friendships, the conversation at 2 a.m in the kitchen,  J-Term tv addictions to the Bachelor, the "morning after" conversations, and all the inside, stupid-crazy jokes/things we did (none of which will be mentioned here).

Almost 10 years later... I still consider myself to be good friends with a portion of the girls in my sorority. I take pride in that, considering the majority live in NY and I live in MI (the only thing I hate about living in MI and is how far away I am from these girls). But, it just goes to show, that the bond and friendships we developed through this group - through this sorority - did matter and still matters.
Which brings me to this:

Late Tuesday night, I receive this FB message from E.H.:

"Sue, where's the blog. I need some blog to keep me going on my diet/work-out."

My text message response back to her on Wednesday:

"How about you inspire yourself and me and commit to a triathlon relay this summer with S.G. and myself?"

10 minutes later E.H. called. Two days later, we plan on completing this triathlon:

(Side note - but huge shout-out to E.H. for agreeing to this. S.G. has completed numerous races - she is actually the one that started me on running in college. I am proud of S.G. for agreeing to this as well. But, E.H. - I give you props. Its the first one and you jumped in, feet first. Ride that bike girl... you'll be awesome. S.G. - I know you will be fabulous. You always are. )

As a number of us turn 30 this year, I think this is awesome. Two days after my own 30th birthday, I will be relaying-it up with two of my best friends. I love that shit. And I have a feeling we will have some other fabulous and amazing friends on the sideline cheering us on. I'm already proud of my relay-mates and its only January.

These are the type of relationships that matter. These are the type of adventures that matter.

In the spring of 2001, my life changed forever. I did something I never thought I would have done. I have no regrets. And 8 years later, these same amazing woman continue to positively impact my life, make me smile, and will always get it - even from three states away.

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