1. Stop at the ATM
2. Wash the Equinox (holy salt stains!)
I had this item on my "I should really do this list, but I might skip, because I don't want to see that I gained anything."
3. Stop at my WW meeting, get weighed-in.
After all, it was a Thursday..
So, I complete my mandatory to-do list. Next item: do I jump on 75N and head to MI, to enjoy my guilt-free dinner with Troy or do I take the time to weigh-in? I had this whole thing justified in my head to NOT weigh-in. The justification sounded a little something like:
I really want to switch my meetings back to Mondays (same leader that I love hosts Monday meetings near my work, as well as Thursday meetings). Which means, I could weigh-in Monday and not this Thursday. I also, want to make sure I attend one of my meetings before Christmas is here and I knew next Thursday was out-of-the question. So, the Monday solution seemed to be a perfect fit. Except, the little voice, somehow did not agree. And this is why:
"Sue" it said. "You have followers that read your blog and know that your weigh-in day is Thursday. Some of them come to your blog to follow your progress and to find a little (not a ton), but a little bit of motivation. How pathetic will it look, when you totally lame-out and don't weigh-in? The worst part will be your stupid excuse about "Monday, meeting, blah, blah, blah."
So............................. guess where the Equinox took me? That's right. I headed to my WW meeting. I walked in, unloaded my gear, and stepped up to that scale.
DOWN 0.8! I WILL TAKE IT! :) I lost 4.0 last week (which is very unusual for my body). So to lose another.8 this week is great for me. Yes, I will take it. Your body sheds the weight, when it wants to (well that and when you eat less and move more).
So there you have it. I weighed-in, I lost, I drove home and had a deliciously unhealthy meal with Troy (pizza last night). Woke up this morning and back to the gym: 30 minutes on the treadmill (running inclines HURT!), weights, and abs. My abs are sore, as I type this.
This week, I commit to the following:
1. Less Diet Coke, more water. Water is your friend.
2. Eating the raw dough, while baking cookies, does indeed still count towards calorie/fat intake. I need to reverse this logic, in my brain.
3. More weights.
And yes, I will be switching to Monday weigh-ins and meeting days. But rest assured, this Thursday, I made it.
Thanks for keeping me accountable blog.
Happy Friday to one and all. Over and out.
I think that raw cookie dough has much less calories than cookies. Calories are a measure of energy. When you bake cookies, you are bombarding the dough with thermal energy - tens of thousands of calories. Therefore no baking = less calories. It's science.