Friday, December 3, 2010

Option A, B, or C with Ballard

This is a legit email conversation, between Troy and I around 2:30 p.m. on Friday. Troy is sitting in one of his BGSU MBA classes, as we decide our Friday plans (I know, we are super exciting!). I tell you his location, to understand the options presented, as we were super cool (and GREEN!) and helped save the planet and our truck/suv gas bill this morning, as we car pooled to BG.

My email to Troy:

Ok, lets play the Option Game:

Option A: I run around 4 p.m., pick you up at 5 p.m., we hit the Kroger’s on the way home (the list is NOT long.. so don’t fret my pet)

Option B: I grocery shop in town around 4 p.m, pick you up at 5 p.m., we drive home as the Ballards, change, then go the Y in Temperance together, as fabulous work-out lovers.

Option C: I run either before 5 or after 5. You go to the bar and drink, be social, etc. If I run before 5, I will grocery shop, while you drink. If I run after 5, we grocery shop on our way home. Please note, this Option = coolest wife E.V.E.R.

Points to ponder: Our puppies do not need UTIs. Their bladders need to potty before too long.

*** Please note... NO, I am not skipping work. I am working all day tomorrow for a local BG event, so either grocery shopping/running at 4 p.m. is aok. :)

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