Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Don't ever hate on Biggest Loser work-out DVDs

I didn't wake up and drive to the gym this morning. Why? Honestly, my dogs. I am filled with guilt on the mornings I leave them at 4:45 a.m. It is just too much for them (I am not kidding) and so, instead, I woke up around 5:15 a.m. and decided to do a DVD work-out video. I have quite the collection of Billy Blanks (two thumbs way up for core workout!), Core Shred, and Biggest Loser DVDs. I started the collection the winter before we were married. I was not a gym-rat at that point of my life, but had reached an age, that made me refuse to run in weather colder than 20 degrees. So, per the recommendation of my Weight Watcher leader, I started buying these DVDs. And, to be quite frank, before I did them, I thought "these things are going to be a joke." False. False. False. They kick your ass. Billy Blanks and Bob (what's his last name?) Biggest Loser trainer dude, do not mess around.

So that was almost three winters ago. Now, with the type of training I am currently doing, I consider my work-outs to be a bit more intense. I haven't really touched the DVDs in almost a year plus, as now, I am THAT gym rat. But, this morning, as my "parenting" guilt kicked in, I opted for a cardio/weight DVD work out with Bob. HOLY LOVE OF GOD. 40 minutes of upper body weights and cardio mixed together. HOLY LOVE OF GOD. I could barely sit down today at work.

2 minutes in... pure sweat
5 minutes in... I had second thoughts
25 minutes in..... if I had to do one more squat-thrust with arm weights, I really thought I was going to cry.

Point being: Do not hate on these DVD work-outs. That shit is serious. Might I add, my adorable dogs, sat on the couch and watched my every move for the 40 minutes. These are the moments, when I know they love me. 

Anyways, I HIGHLY recommend to anyone reading this, that are not gym rats, to purchase some work-out DVDs and go at it! Jillian Michaels (although, I find her a bit annoying!) 30 Day Shed, Billy Blanks Taebo sessions, and all Biggest Loser work-outs are worth the investment. Good luck.

Switching gears, this evening...NEW TOPIC: GRATITUDE.

Yesterday, I was asked: "How do you think about what to blog about?" My response: "Anything that strikes a cord with me during the day, deserves some blog time." Hence, this second addition, this evening.

About 10 minutes ago, I received a Facebook message from an old high school friend. It REALLY REALLY meant a lot to me. She complimented me on my blog, my progress, and my dedication. She also said, I am keeping her motivated. Wow. Those words, that message - it meant a lot. Thank you to that person (you know who you are!). Any yes, if I can get up to go to the pool, you can roll out of bed, to hit the treadmill. :)

This friend, is not the only one that has sent me encouraging words, since I started this. To ALL OF YOU, that have messaged, read, followed, etc. I thank you. As I mentioned in my very first blog, I was incredibly hesitant to start this (I have always been worried about what "others" would say/think of me). And yet, the outpouring of support towards me has been ridiculously awesome.  And might I add, the more I blog, the more I share, and the more honest I am... the less I care what "others think." Funny, how life happens like that.

 So, to everyone that comes to my blog and reads about my journey and the stories - thank you.  Thanks for reading, thanks for following along, and thanks for motivating me. And to think, this has only been a month. I truly look forward to the road to 70.3 and I hope you continue to stay tuned. Much love.

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